Introducing...Wesley Joseph.

He was born tonight (June 29) at 10:01 p.m. He weighed 6 lb., 13 oz. which is TINY for a baby in this family. He's absolutely adorable.

Here he is with his Popple Tim and his Aunt Dre (Andrea) who was there to document his first moments (She's a professional photographer so I'm sure I'll be stealing some fabulous pictures from her soon.

He was only about 40 minutes old here.

And I guess I should include a couple of shots of him with the people who are very tired and worn out daughter, Calista and her proud as a peacock husband, Chris.

He reacted to the flashes from the cameras and the bright lights in the room which is very good. His brother Timothy has a sight empairment and this baby had a 50% chance of having the same thing (even total blindness). We are rejoicing and praising the Lord for this good sign of sight!!! It's been a long day (mostly for Calista), but hey! what about me! I listened to Timothy chatter ALL DAY LONG! ha ha