We've been gone for a while...then it takes me a while to catch up around the house after I get back from a trip.
We went to Missouri for our neice's wedding on the Current River near Eminence.
Then we spent the week at our Moms' houses going through and cleaning out their things. It's been almost a year since they both passed away. Here are my mom's irises blooming just like they were last year this time when she was alive.
And here are her peonies. They smell so good. My sister and I were able to go through everything in the house and separate it out into piles. I brought home a few things; she took some things home with her and my brother and sister-in-law took a few things. The rest will be sold. It was a hard and sad week for us all.
I took the quilt that I made for my brother and sister-in-law to them. They loved it. (see first picture)
While we were in the area in southern Missouri, I went to visit my dad's grave near Poplar Bluff. He is next to his parents near the land that my great, great grandparents homesteaded many years ago.
One of my dad's cousins still owns part of the land and the house where my grandpa was born.
We also visited the graves of my maternal grandparents near Doniphan, Missouri. We saw the church where my parents were married and where my mom went to grade school (the same building). We also saw the house where my mom lived as a very young child. My grandpa built it. It's still standing with a "no trespassing" sign in front of it.

I took the quilt that I made for my brother and sister-in-law to them. They loved it. (see first picture)

One of my dad's cousins still owns part of the land and the house where my grandpa was born.

Tim and I also helped with the picking out and ordering of tombstones for our moms' graves. So all in all, it was a very emotional week and we're glad to be home.