It might seem strange that I'm posting pictures of quilts under the title of "More on Timothy". Here's the story for those of you who don't know. Our darling little grandson, Timothy was blind. At about 10 weeks old our daughter (along with others of us) suspected that there was something terribly wrong. He was not making any eye contact or interacting in any way. The doctors diagnosed him as totally blind and didn't give us any hope that there was anything that could be done to help him. We all were shocked and saddened yet ready to do our part to help Timothy lead as normal a life as possible. The doctors recommended that Calista and Chris get him on the waiting list for The Little Lighthouse ( which is a Christian developmental center for special needs children started by a lady here in Tulsa whose daughter was sight impaired. It is an organization which is funded entirely by faith without any government or United Way funding. I've toured the facilities and am very impressed with the work that goes on there.
That year (and previous years) my stitch group had been working on a quilt that we had planned to donate to a worthy organization. Because of Timothy's disability, we decided to donate it to The Little Lighthouse. Every year they have a " Garden Party" as one of their main fundraisers. I'ts a fancy brunch at a fancy location with fancy food and a really cool silent auction. My stitch group finally completed the quilt (entirely hand appliqued and hand quilted) and it sold at the 2007 Garden Party. Pictured are a close up of one block and Leslie and me wearing our hats (not required but it sure is a lot of fun to wear a hat--they can be rented there if you don't own one). (sorry about the order of the pictures)

For last year's Garden Party, I made and donated this quilt. I'm pictured with the lady who had the winnnig bid. She bought it for her new god-child.

Anyway, to finish the story, God has worked a miracle with Timothy. He still has some problems with his eye-sight, but he is not blind. The doctors think he will never be able to drive, but they also thought he would never be able to walk without a cane, see colors, look at books, learn his alphabet (at a really early age). He has astounded the doctors and has blessed everyone who has contact with him. He is a fairly normal 4 year old (as normal as the grandchild of Tim Marler could be! ha ha) We thank God for the healing work in his life. The doctors recommended that he NOT go to Little Lighthouse for school, so his name was taken off the list to make room for another child.
I can't stop supporting the school. I'm so thankful that it's there for kids who need it. This year I'll be donating another quilt for the auction. My lovely daughters will also be donating photography packages ( and pilates instruction packages. Is there anyone else out there who would like to help this worthy cause?
The Garden Party this year will be held at the Renaissance Hotel on May 2. You can contact the Little Ligthouse and attend one of their free luncheons to tour the school yourself and see what a great place it is. Thank you for reading and considering.