Twelve years ago today we were blessed with our first grandson. Twelve years! How can that be? He should still be a little baby. Well, at least a baby! He never was little. He weighed almost 10 pounds when he was born and was the cutest chubby toddler. Now he's skinny as a rail and in the 6th grade. Did I mention that he's the reason I have the name Mama T? All because he couldn't say Mama Teresa which is what I wanted him to call me. And Papa Tim became Popple. The rest, as they say, is history.
He has his own room now (no more sharing with brother Timothy). So he has the bunk beds and only one bunk bed quilt. His mom and I decided we should fix that problem. His other quilt has a "space" theme so we used the scraps from it and added some more to make this:
Baby brother sneaked into this picture with Gabe. |
Here's Gabe with the brother with whom he no longer shares a room. |
Quilts and cats don't mix. Neither do kids with shoes. But this one is so cute he gets by with it. The cat.....not so much.