Monday, March 18, 2013

My BFF's quilt top

I just had to post this picture of my friend Leslie's beautiful quilt top that she just finished today. I think she got tired of me nagging her to finish it! I knew it would be as beautiful as we had imagined. And it is! I can hardly wait to see what it will look like when it's quilted.

Details: hand appliquéd wool on flannel


  1. i can't imagine you nagging ANYone ... maybe PESTERING, but nagging just wouldn't be in your nature ... it IS lovely (and you can tell her that i said so, and she'll know that it is true - in case she was having any doubts)

  2. i can't imagine you nagging ANYone ... maybe PESTERING, but nagging just wouldn't be in your nature ... it IS lovely (and you can tell her that i said so, and she'll know that it is true - in case she was having any doubts)

  3. congrats to your friend. I have always like that pattern. It is nice to see it in brighter wools.
