Wednesday, March 20, 2013

Happy First Day of Spring

I know, I know, it's a little early to be celebrating spring, especially for those of you further north. And we do have a bit of snow in the forecast in the next few days, but this is Oklahoma and it will soon be warm (and usually much warmer than we want).

It does make me happy, though to see the creeping flox blooming and the peonies sprouting.
Soon there will be lots of color around the neighborhood.

I thought it was time to take the Valentine's quilt off the wall and replace it with one that hasn't hung for quite some time. Also, I got out my handmade egg collection (well really a chicken MADE them but some people hand painted some and decorated them in other ways). Most are from Slovakia (we have friends there), and the newest painted one came from Austria (a friend visited there this past summer).

So...I'm ready for spring and ready for Easter. And......ready for a Sue Spargo workshop that I'll be in the next 3 days! Hooray!


  1. Those eggs are beautiful. Thanks for sharing. He is Risen. He is Risen indeed!

  2. color ... you have COLOR!!!

    i have three little yellow crocus that are not giving up - mostly the world here is brown or white, depending on whether or not it is snowing ... but the sky has been outstandingly beautiful the past week and that makes up for no green on the earth ... right?

  3. What great Easter eggs. the words are beautiful, i would love to own one of those.....xx

  4. Your quilt is so pretty and perfect for spring. Love it and all your decorations too.
    Have fun with Sue.

  5. Love your work i just finished a few ufos too! i will share them on my blog it will meen a world to me if u can join my blog as well <3 love your work Mama T!
