Sunday, April 13, 2014

Spring Travels

We've been very busy lately traveling.  We took a trip to St. Louis a couple of weekends ago to visit family and friends.  Then we kept our grand boys while their parents participated in a wedding in Dallas.  It seems like spring could be here, but tonight's forecast could prove otherwise.  Anyway, I got a few good pictures of spring and boys.

We took the boys home and immediately left for a geology convention in Houston.  I'm trying really hard to get my Dresden quilt done in time for our guild quilt show in June. (I already have the quilter lined up). So I took the top with me and worked on it while my geologist husband attended the convention.  The convention just happens to be held in the same convention center as the International Quilt Festival.  Here's my quilt looking longingly out our hotel window at the convention center.  It's hoping it can make it inside someday!  Haha


The return trip home included a few stops at quilt shops and enjoying the Texas wildflowers along the road.

And one last spring sweet granddaughter and her parents.


  1. Girl, you never stop. The quilt is beautiful. Beautiful family, also.

  2. that's why i never take my quilts anywhere- they get all KINDS of ideas about the batting being softer on the other side of the quilt rack ...... all of your grandbabies are so gorgeous!
