Thursday, December 26, 2013

Christmas Projects

Before Christmas gets too far past, I want to show some of my projects......maybe a day at a time.

Daughter Andrea reminded me that little Nola didn't have a Christmas stocking.  At least 10 years ago I made lots and lots of stockings.  Everybody in the family has one, including my sister and her family.

Each time a baby is born in my immediate family I make a stocking.  So the last one I made was for Wesley 3 years ago.  I found the pattern and got to work.  I wanted to coordinate Nola's with her parents' stockings so the search was on to see if I had any of the fabric left. I found a very little piece of the blue with silver print.  

Here are Andrea and Patrick's stockimgs.

And here's Nola's.  Not bad, uh?

And here they are all together.


  1. Beautiful stockings! I hope you had a wonderful Christmas.

  2. I enjoyed seeing the quilts and stocking you made for Christmas gifts. Your son is cute in the helmet.
