Tuesday, November 26, 2013

I'm back....again!

Well, here it is the eve of the eve of Thanksgiving and it's been well over a month since I last posted.  So much has happened since then so I will try to be as brief as possible but there may be an overload of pictures.

Leslie, Cindy and I had a GREAT time at the Pacific International Quilt Show in Santa Clara, CA.  The drive over from Reno was beautiful.  The weather was wonderful the entire time.  We experienced fall there and then got to experience it again here after we came home.

None of us won any prizes, but we had a blast and were so honored to be there and see our quilts hung in the show. 

My husband has spent the last six months going through Reserve Police Officer's training.  It's been a gruelling six months.  He was the oldest in the class but managed to finish it.  Not only that, he was told he was the best martial artist in the class and a "darn good shot" ( well, maybe those weren't the exact words, haha) and he scored the highest on the final written exam (99%).  So now he's a Tulsa PD Reserve officer and will be donating several hours a month to the city of Tulsa ”suppressing evil” while he remains a mild mannered geologist by day.  I got to pin his badge on him.  I'm super proud!

Here we all are gathered around the man of the evening.  

And here he is with Nola (who was being passed around when the first pictures was taken).  Missing is 3 year old Wesley who had a better offer for the evening!  Haha

I'll end this pre Thanksgiving post with my giving of thanks for this week (and for the rest of my life!)
Thank you God that my family is intact and all living and well tonight.  8 days ago my son-in-law Patrick and his precious daughter Nola were involved in a terrible car wreck.  Patrick was hit 3 times, one of those head on.  He walked away from it with Nola in his arms.  Granted, he was very sore and hurting all last week but Nola was just fine.  It could have been much worse and I'm forever grateful that they're both okay.  Then the very next day my oldest daughter underwent a hysterectomy.  All went as planned until about 14 hours later.  She started bleeding internally and came near death's door.  Since all three of her kids were here with me I couldn't go be by her side.  I felt God reassuring me that she was in His hands.  Thankfully, she is home now and is regaining her strength.  I, on the other hand am worn out!  Haha. Since her sister nearly bled to death when she grave birth 3 months ago, I'm not ready for any more emergencies any time soon.  In fact I called my son and informed him that if he planned anything like this in the near future that he should not call me until it was over!

In all seriousness, we just never know what each day will bring.  I'm hugging them all a little tighter and loving them all a lot more.  I hope you all have a wonderful Thanksgiving day and take the time to count your blessings and thank God for all he so generously gives!


  1. so good to hear from you Teresa. I've wondered and wondered about you, where you were, what was going on with you?????Thank God everyone is save and sound. Missed hearing from you. Happy Thanksgiving. the pictures are wonderful

  2. So well said. We never know what each day will bring, but we know Who holds that day. So glad all is well with your kids. And so glad you had fun on your girl's trip.
