Monday, September 2, 2013

Finished quilt and on to the next project

I started this a few days before my granddaughter was born and last Sunday when I had a "day off" from helping my daughter,  I finished the piecing.  My friend and neighbor Theresa C. quilted it for me on her longarm and I finished the binding last night.  It will be entered in the Tulsa State Fair under a special category, "Quilts For Kids" and then all of the quits will be given to local kids who need them.  Last year they went to the children's hospital.

This may be the first quilt I've ever made without a border.  It's all half square triangles.

Since I can't sit still, and since I've had a few more "days off" ( although I'm chomping at the bit to get back to little Nola tomorrow) I started another new project.
Mine will be in much brighter fabrics:

Since I've redecorated my kitchen eating area I wanted a new table runner in bright colors.  This pattern calls for a lot of piecing, but I said to myself, "Self, why couldn't you appliqué those squares on the background instead of piecing them in?  You could certainly save yourself a lot of time?" So I agreed with myself and I'm appliquéing them on the machine.  I think I'll be just as happy with the outcome.

1 comment:

  1. great quilt. one day I am going to make a chevron quilt.
    those blocks are going to make a great table runner.
