Wednesday, July 3, 2013

Update and day trip

I got my sling and splint off my arm on Monday and I'm doing great.  Due to the holiday this week and the schedule, I won't be starting physical therapy until next Monday. In the meantime, I'm stretching my arm and it's feeling sore, but not painful.

So today, I took a little day trip.  In my new Toyota van. With part of my stitch group.

We've been working on these two quilts for a few weeks.
We made them for a project for Folds of Honor, an organization benefitting fallen and wounded military and their families.  Folds of Honor, with the help and donations of local citizens has built a house on Skiatook Lake (north of Tulsa) for the the wounded and their families to have a place to relax and vacation without a charge.  This is the FIRST of these houses in the country with plans for more of them in other areas.  We were so excited to present the quilts today.  We were told that the quilts will add a real "homey" atmosphere to the house, which is nearly done and will soon be ready to welcome the first vacationers.

Here is a picture of the outside when Tim and I went for the ribbon cutting ceremony over Memorial Day weekend.

And here are Marines at the ceremony.
On this weekend's celebration of our nation's independence lets not forget those who gave their lives and limbs (literally) so that we can have the freedom that we have.  God Bless America!


  1. So thankful that your arm is better! You look great!
    I'm impressed at the good works your stitch group does. Beautiful quilts in a beautiful setting!

  2. and thanks to you (and your group) for making quilts that wrap love around our soldiers...

    happy to hear that your arm is healing!!!

  3. glad to hear your arm is doing better. that is good news and I am sure PT will help even more.
    what a nice thing you and your friends have done, making those beautiful quilts.
