Saturday, June 15, 2013

Bummer Elbow

I've had trouble with my right elbow for quite some time now, off and on.  The doctor has put shots in it.  Then he's put ultrasound guided shots in it......several times.  Finally, I had an MRI this week and found out I have a "significant tear in a tendon".  

So the doctor says I can give up quilting or I can have surgery on it to repair it.  Hmmmmmm.......let me think about that.......NOT!!!!   So, this Thursday, I'm having the surgery.  I want to get it over with to be healed up in time to help Andrea (daughter #2) when baby Nola arrives in August.

So this weekend, I'll be working like crazy to get the bumper pads and sheets done for the nursery..And labels for the quilts...And floor mopping....And Father's Day dinner preparation....AND......I think I'll go back to bed!

And in the middle of this, I got new carpeting this week and things are not all back where they should be....and I've been researching and test driving cars to make a trade soon.   Yes, I think I'll go back to bed!


  1. Oh no Teresa! I'm praying that surgery goes well and that you'll be healed up and ready for Nola's arrival.

    Love the baby quilt you made. You do such beautiful work.

  2. Wishing you a successful surgery and a fast full recovery!

  3. So sorry to hear that. Hope it works perfectly.

  4. I am 7 Monty's into recovery from a broken wrist that involved 6 weeks in a cast and 6 months of PT. my advice.....listen to the PT and do everything he/she says. It is a full time job for awhile but persistence will pay off. Also use those pain meds. They take the edge off and allow you to do th PT work. You won't be on them forever. Prayers for speedy recovery.

  5. That would be "months" not Monty.

  6. oh my gosh Girl! You know I've often thougth, could I quilt with my toes????? so sorry, prayig for a speedy to ya

  7. sheesh ... i'll be sending positivbe thoughts east and south till you are all better!
