Tuesday, December 4, 2012


Here's Skippy. She's the only healthy creature in our home. Last week when Tim came home from work early he displayed all the signs of flu--sudden onset of chills, fever, sore throat, body aches and cough. Our doctor wasn't in so I took him to Urgent Care where he tested negative for flu. 3 days later, my teeth were chattering and I had fever.

Since we weren't getting any better we went to see our doctor today and we tested positive for flu. He told us to expect it to last 7 to 10 days! We're fairly miserable---no, we are VERY miserable!

I've picked up a needle and thread twice, but just can't seem to stay interested.


  1. Oh no! That's terrible. I hope and pray, you feel better soon!

  2. That's no fun. Hope you are feeling better soon.

  3. that's "The Bad Boy Flu" when you can't even sew. Hope you are better soon.....

  4. ugh! i HATE the flu - i hate it so much that i even get a flu shot every year, knowing that it may or may not help ... take good care of yourself ...... and don't breathe on me! bwah ha ha!
