Sunday, September 30, 2012

Fair prizes and Timothy's quilt I'm learning to post blogs from my new iPad but haven't quite figured it out yet so I'll tell you about the  pictures from the previous post.

We kept all three grandboys overnight so their mom and dad could have 24 hours of peace and quiet.  WE, on the other hand did NOT have peace OR quiet. We did, nevertheless, enjoy our time with them.  Gabe had warned me about having all three of them here at once! ha ha The pictures include Wesley's bath time and the little "angels" at church this morning.  We took them to lunch afterwards and then home.

I finished putting the binding and label on Timothy's birthday quilt (only 7 months late!) so we put it on his bed today when we took he kids home. I made 2 pillowcases to match.

Success at the Tulsa State Fair.....a white ribbon on my wall hanging and a red on my miniature. BFF Leslie got a red ribbon on her hand embroidered redwork quilt.  Daughter calista got 5 ribbons out of 8 items she entered--hand spun yarns and hand knits.

Maybe by next post I'll have mastered my new electronic gadget (NOT!!!)


  1. In my opinion those ribbons should have been blue!!
    You are doing great with your iPad!! And you continue to amaze me with all your fantastic beautiful quilts!! I'm one lucky (blessed!) BFF!!

  2. I think you know who I am. LOL

  3. I appreciate the picture. I think many people would have the same feeling as me towerd thepiatures. Thought the passage is a litter bit of shore, the photos can make up for it. Thank you for me to have chance to read them. Now I want to post my favouit goods: freshwater pearl and freshwater pearl bracelet in your post. Thank you again.
