Tuesday, July 10, 2012

Summer is Flying By!

Time just seems to fly by around our household.  I'm sure it's dragged a bit more for my Tim who had his hip replaced on June 11.  This is his second one so it should have been a breeze, but the doctor lengthened his leg a bit to even them out (something he's not had most of his life--or at least as long as he can remember) so he's had more pain with this one.  Also, it's hard for him to get used to being "evened out".  If you knew Tim, you would understand.  LOL!

 After 3 weeks of hobbling along with a walker and me doing all the important things for him (putting on shoes and socks, showering, etc) he graduated to a cane.  Things really started looking up after that and his outlook even improved.

Now he's back at work (shorter days than usual) and I get to drive him back and forth downtown.  (note sarcasm).  I'll be so glad when he can drive again.  So I'm just trying to be patient and in 2 more weeks things with be back to normal.

In the meantime...I've done a bit of fun, mindless sewing.  Here are a few of the blocks I've made:

I've also been making fabric flowers and will be teaching a class at the Cotton Patch next week.

I've also been watching the grandboys one or two days a week since Tim's been back on his feet.  Whew!  No wonder time is flying by so fast.


  1. i guess it's a good thing his name isn't Steven cuz he'd NEVER hear the end of it...

  2. Thanks

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