Friday, September 30, 2011

Fair update

Last night my BFF Leslie, my older daughter Calista and I all went to the Tulsa State Fair to see if we (Calista and I) had won any prizes.  Calista is a knitter and spinner and this year she even entered a quilt.  She didn't win a prize on her quilt but she won the SWEEPSTAKES prize on her homespun art yarn.  It was her first entry in the catagory.  She won the blue ribbon AND the big purple ribbon.  We were all excited.  She also won one other ribbon for one of her knitted items.

My quilts:  I entered 3.  I posted pics of two of those a while back and the third was the one I made for Calista's birthday and posted back in June.  I won a blue ribbon on my red and turqouis wall hanging and a red ribbon on Calista's birthday quilt.  Nothing on the one with rick rack.  All in all, we were very pleased.  We wandered around a bit until our feet and legs hurt and ate a bit of junky fair food (the most important reason to go!)