Tuesday, April 26, 2011

April Showers

May flowers

Irises--Love, love , love them!


Lettuce.  For now it's really good.  But, there's a rabbit in my yard and today he stripped my lily leaves.  The lettuce has been moved to the patio table.  Can rabbits climb?  If they can, he may meet an untimely death.

Peonies--my absolute favorite.  The smell is intoxicating.

Miniature roses.  I sent this rose to my Mom two years ago for her last Mother's Day on earth.  Now it resides in my garden.

Green onions.

This one was taken a couple of weeks ago when the creeping phlox was in full bloom.
April showers cause little boys to have to hunt their Easter eggs inside.  Thanks to Uncle Patrick, we're still finding hidden eggs!  Poor Uncle Aaron had a cold and spent the day hiding in his cave to keep from giving his cold to the little guys. 

Hope ya'll had a Happy Easter !


  1. What handsome grandboys you have! Gabe just looks more and more like Tim!

  2. Yay! for spring! Lovely flowers and the boys are so cute.

  3. those are JUNE flowers at this altitude ... sigh ... remind me - WHY do i live here?!?

  4. This comment has been removed by the author.

  5. Aren't grandkids the best gift ever?!?! Your little guys are adorable!
