Sunday, February 6, 2011


On Tuesday we were hit with "the storm of the century".   Here in Oklahoma, we set several records this week--one for the most snow in a 24 hour period, one for the lowest temperature on this date (-6) and one for having a true blizzard.
By the end of this week, we may break another record of the most snow in any winter.  This all reminds me that spring may be a ways off.

This reminded me of the fact that we couldn't get out our front door that day.  In fact, we couldn't get out at all.  Aaron tried getting out the back door, but when he got to the gate, he was trapped in by snowdrifts.  A good reminder to us all that we should be prepared for things like this...

....and prepared I WAS!  I had all the essential ingredients to make this quilt top.

I machine appliqued the flowers and circles...

Oh the joy of having a great stash of fabric....and ric rac...and thread.  I sewed and sewed...

...then I was reminded that someday we might NEED to get out of this house.  Thankfully, Tim was reminded before I was.

He was remimded that he might like to find his car.  Thankfully, my trusty Nitro in the garage has 4 wheel drive.

We were all reminded that if we were to move that Nitro out of the garage, we would first have to move some snow.  At this point, I'm reminded of how happy I am that Aaron is living with us right now.

I'm reminded after all this work, that we all need to eat.

My guys' favorite thing to eat in this kind of weather is chilli...

...and chocolate chip cookies...

...some with nuts and some without (the guys don't eat nuts--so guess who ate this whole plate of "nutted" cookies?--over a few days, of course)

Eating cookies reminds me that I MUST sew some

...I made these.....

...and I finished this...(hand applique)

...which goes with this.

Yesterday, it all started melting a little bit.  So I was reminded that spring COULD be on it's way one of these days.  And it reminded me that only one short week ago our temperature was 77 degrees and we celebrated Aaron's birthday....

He's a sweet...



....MAN who loves his family and his country...

Yes, I said MAN.  How can my baby be a grown man of 26?

I'm reminded that in 2 months he'll be going to Marine boot camp...

Yes, I'm reminded of a lot of things...
Spring is coming....too fast.


  1. What a newsy post. Glad you're staying warm.

  2. Glad we only got our 4" of the white stuff...and it's already gone.
    Hope you don't get another big storm in the next couple of days that they're promising.
    My daffodils are coming up!

  3. Wow, you certainly did get a lot of snow.
    I recognize those blocks because I made the same quilt.
    Looks like a fun celebration too.

  4. Thanks for the update, I enjoyed reading and viewing your new (quilt) pics.
