Monday, February 28, 2011

Bits and Pieces

Several people have asked me about the workhsop that I took last weekend.  It was taught by Candace Kenyon and was called Fabric Collage.  I haven't had time to do any more work on the piece I started, but after I finish "quilting" it (don't know if you can really call it quilting because it has no batting) then it will be washed to remove the Sulky Solvy.  Then I'll stretch it over an artist's canvas and have it framed.  Hope that answers some of the questions.

Yesterday, I met my sister in Sprinfield, MO for her to pick up the quilt/comforter she had left with Kat LeFevre to quilt.  She bought the fabric for it when I was with her in St. Louis last summer.  She asked my opinion and I told her I was glad she was the one making it and not me.  The fabric was slick, ravelly, synthetic--you name it--everything that THIS quilter doesn't use.  But Greta loved the fabric and wanted to make it into a comforter for her bed.

Time passes...Greta visits me after Chritmas.  Greta brings fabric with her.  Teresa and Greta make comforter together.  One of my machines hated the fabric as much as I did and refused to sew it.  Thankfully, I had another machine which was quite "comfort"-able with it.  So we got it put together.  We bought cotton backing and Kat agreed to quilt it. 

It turned out really nice and we've both had a new experience!  And we're still sisters.
I think it will look beautiful on her bed when she finishes the binding (I got 2 sides and all 4 corners done for her)

The printed fabric tends to change colors in different lights.  It also appears shiney in some lights.  But it really is gorgeous.  It was so good to see Greta and her husband yesterday.  We met in the middle at Tim's dad and stepmom's house.  Thanks Linda for all the great food!

1 comment:

  1. I love my comforter and thank you for all the hard work, time and expertise you gave. It is beautiful and Kat did a terrific job quilting it. Please thank her so much for me. I almost have all the binding done and it will be on my bed very shortly!
    Love you,
