Thursday, December 16, 2010

A few projects, a few grandboys

Whenever we add a new member to the family, I have to make a new Christmas stocking.  This is Wesley's....

...and he LOVED it!

And in case you've forgotten I have 2 other grandboys, here are  Timothy and Gabe at their school Christmas program.  And yes, their PUBLIC school called it a CHRISTMAS program.  Hats off to you, Grisham Elementary, Tulsa, OK. And hats off to Mr. Schmidt who directed the music.

Here's Gabe who wore his elf hat in the program.

Wesley's shirt says, "Here comes trouble".  He doesn't look like trouble to me!

I made this Christmas ornament for my sister Greta for her birthday.  She was born on Pearl Harbor Day when I was a senior in high school.  She's truly my "baby sister".

I also made her this notebook cover.  It's left handed 'cause SHE's left handed.

Here's another one just like it, only this one is for a right handed person.  I made this for my stitch group Christmas exchange.  Donna was the lucky recipient.  Wish I had one for myself.

I DID make one of these for myself.  I really don't like to embroider, but these were just so darn cute, I couldn't resist.

I died and stamped these little onsies for a baby girl who is expected on Dec. 22.  Soon I'll have her quilt done to show here.

This is a sample of the "10 Minute Block" class I'll be teaching at the Cotton Patch on Feb. 21 and 23.  It's a method by Suzanne McNeil and is so much fun.  It's almost magic how the center dark squares are set in.  (They're 3 dimensional)

The "10 Minute Block" can be done with any size squares but you can save a lot of time by using Layer Cakes (10 inch pre-cuts) or Charm Packs (5 inch precuts).  (Don't you love my model?)


  1. I love my gifts and am especially proud of my "left handed" notebook cover. I don't often get items just for left handed people. I am curious about your class you will be teaching. I look forward to seeing your samples while I am there. They look very interesting and you have me intrigued about the 3 dimensional aspect.

  2. good gosh - those boys just keep on getting cuter and cuter!!!

  3. I kind of want to take your class. That's such a cool way to use charm packs!

  4. What a great bunch of good looking boys. Cute stocking for the littlest one.
    You have been very busy. I love those ornaments. I made one, it was the bird house.
    Merry Christmas!
