Saturday, September 11, 2010


Today is the 9th anniversary of a huge tragedy in the history of our country.  I'm sure all of you remember exactly what you were doing on that day.  It was such a sad and scary time.  I was sitting in front of the tv sewing the binding on a quilt that had been in the works since I was 14 years old.  I finished it that day and included details about the day on the label.  Let us never forget what happened that day.

On a lighter note....also on that day some ????years ago, my good friend Coleen was born.  She's been a really bright spot in the life of our little stitch group.  She keeps us laughing and encourages us all to keep going.  So...on Thursday we celebrated her birthday at my house.
My friend Kat Davis made the beautiful and delicious chocolate cheesecake for the occasion (if you want to order one from her let me know and I'll give you her number).  Isn't it just TOO cute!   The little needle on the cake was even threaded!

Having company makes me get up out of the sewing room to clean my house (which is a good thing when it's done!).  It also causes me to set a pretty table--something I don't usually do for just Tim and me.

We had a great lunch, opened presents and then worked on some projects.

This is what the birthday girl is working on:

June was working on table runners and..
Leslie and I are working on a disappearing 9 patch.
Donna was cutting strips for a future project.


  1. you set a lovely table!!!

    and that cheesecake - oooooo!!!!

    it looks like all of you are having a great time - AND getting things done (which wouldn't have happened around here - after we fill our bellies, all we want to do is take a nap)...

  2. You all look like your having so much fun!!! I love spending time with friends and doing things we all love QUILTING!!!!!
