Tuesday, June 1, 2010

Ready for the quilt show

Yesterday, our good friends Leslie and David came over and shared our Memorial Day with us. I actually talked Tim into eating outside (he says picnics are for ants). I have to admit that it DID get a little bit hot before we were done with the meal. But at least the wind wasn't blowing (unusual for Oklahoma). Since I had 2 tall guys together, I decided it would be a good idea to take pictures of all my quilts I'm entering in the Green Country Quilters' Guild "Quilt Crazy" Show which is this Friday and Saturday, June 4th and 5th. (Don't ask me why Tim has one eye closed in this next picture)
This was the last picture I took of the two guys together and they were acting a bit goofy by the time we were done. These are the two quilts that I'm donating to the Small Quilt Auction. The one on the right will also be entered in the "Quilt Crazy" Challenge.
The one on the left is a baby quilt and the one on the right will be entered under "wall hangings"

This one is my Civil War Reproduction quilt. Kat LeFevre quilted it and it looks great. It will be entered under the "mixed techniques" catagory.

And last, but not least is my hand appliqued quilt. I'm so pleased with the quilting done by Donna Titsworth.

Don't you just love quilts with feet? I do.
I've spent every minute the last few days sewing on hanging sleeves and making labels for these quilts. Then it took me at least an hour to "de-lent" them all today. But finally around 4:30 I got them delivered to the home of the "quilt collector". They'll go to the fairgrounds tomorrow to be hung and then judged on Thursday. I hope we'll have a really successful show. And I hope that many of you who read this can come. It starts at 10 a.m. Friday. Ya'll come!


  1. Beautiful quilts Teresa! I can't wait to see them hanging up at the quilt show this weekend! Good luck on your entries!!!

  2. Wow, you are entering some fabulous quilts. Good luck!
