Sunday, March 21, 2010

Spring "Break"?

Friday the temperature was in the 70's. It was a beautiful day.
Saturday and today have been a different kind of beautiful. I think we got at least 6 inches of snow yesterday. Then a lot of it melted off. Yesterday afternoon the streets were clear.
Then sometime in the night it started again. I woke up to sleet beating against our bedroom windows. Our church services had been cancelled last night so I just ignored the sleet and went back to sleep. This morning I measured almost a foot of snow on my front porch. Here you see 8 inches in the flowerpot. Most of yesterday's had melted off that pot by last night.

Here is the bench on my front porch with 11 inches.
So....what next? I won't complain because it is so beautiful and I enjoy being inside watching it. But I will go ahead and pretend that we're really close to spring and Easter by hanging a spring quilt and displaying my Easter eggs.

Some of the eggs on the tree are hand painted from Slovakia. The brighter ones were decoupaged by my daughter Calista. I made the quilt last fall and Loretta Rogers quilted it.


  1. that's what it looked like here on friday - yesterday was still cold, but the snow is almost gone today ... i'll try to send some sunshine your way cuz that's what we had lots of today

  2. Great quilt and I like the eggs too.
    We had tons of snow too, some of it melted yesterday and hopefully the sun will come out today and take care of the rest.

    Have a good week!

  3. I guess old man winter does not want to let go. lol
    That is such a lovely quilt. I have some of that line of fabric but I have not seen the bird panel before. Very nice.
