Tuesday, October 13, 2009

Pow Wow

Since I'm on the subject of Quilter's Pow Wow....Here's the quilt I finished while I was there.
Remember what it looked like last year? This is what I got done in the class. I'm so glad I got it quilted while I was there. I put the binding on it last week and now it's on my kitchen table.
Here are the ladies I shared a cabin with. Except for the lady on the left in the back. I don't know her. I think she just wanted in the picture! ha ha
And these are ladies from my stitch group:

Katie (who went to Hawaii with us and is also Emma's neice), Emma, Leslie, June, me and Colleen.

This little group has become quite famous at Pow Wow. We've written 3 quilt related songs and have sung for 3 years in a row, adding a song each year.
Carolyn, Ann, me, Leslie and Peggy. Unfortunately you can't see the glue who holds us all together: Karen at the guitar. She's the best!


  1. Hi Mama T!
    I am returning your visit to my blog. Boy, you sure have a beautiful blog! It's amazing how different your sunflower quilt looks from when you started to the finished project. It's gorgeous!
    I have always wanted to try dying fabric too!! Looks fun!
    Take Care!

  2. What a fun time and your applique and the quilting sure did make a difference on that top. It is beautiful.

  3. i LOVE those sunflowers! gorgeous!

  4. WOW! talk about Quilt Metamorphosis!
