Wednesday, January 28, 2009


I love the Oklahoma City Winter Quilt Show. I go almost every year. This year, Leslie's husband David provided Leslie and me with a room at the Holiday Inn in OK. City so we went over the night before and got to the show bright and early before it even opened. The quilts were beautiful and the vendors were delightful. Here are some of the highlights:

This is Leslie and me with Loretta from our stitch group in front of the winning quilts. The one on the left was the top prize for the Prairie Quilts challenge and I believe the other one is best of show.

More friends from my stitch group: Me, Leslie, Coleen, and Emma. Donna also went but for some reason she wasn't around when we were taking pictures.


  1. fun pictures! I like the self portrait of you and Leslie.

  2. Yes, you did a good job of not getting an "up the nose shot" like most self portraits!

    I love the best of show quilt. Wow!

  3. Thanks! Leslie and I do a shot like that at every show we go to. It has taken some practice to not go up the nose. I can hear Andrea's voice in my head telling me what to do! ha ha

    I had intended to enter the Prairie Quilt Challenge--even had the challenge fabric. Am I ever glad I didn't! The quilt I had envisioned would have been trash compared to that one!
